That's right ladies and gentleman...its that time of year...that time when all the normal folks are out there decorating for Christmas, putting up lights, shopping, getting in the holiday spirit....and the nerds of the world....are studying for finals....although a tad self induced...its not so more to go and I've successfully completed 1/8 of my nursing education!!! *high fives!* So while I'm studying for this last exam (developmental psyc...BoRiNg!) ... I started thinking about everything I've learned so far this I of course...thought I would share.....
While the trials and tribulations that were Organic and Bio Chemistry really taught me alot about myself and the things I'm capable of....and while my Evolution of Nursing class was by far my most favoritest class ever this semester (minus the brats who sat behind me that I wanted to punch in their faces on an hourly basis for saying insanely downright stupid things)....all in all I think the class that taught me the most was my Cultural Nursing class....the overall message being that providing culturally competent care involves knowledge and understanding of people and their culture, accepting and respecting differences while resisting judgment by remaining open and comfortable, and most importantly
self awareness......
self-a·ware (s
Aware of oneself, including one's traits, feelings, and behaviors.
ness n.
Self-awareness is the awareness that one exists as an individual being. Without self-awareness, the self perceives and accepts the thoughts that are occurring to be who the self is. Self-awareness gives one the option or choice to choose thoughts being thought rather than simply thinking the thoughts that are stimulated from the accumulative events leading up to the circumstances of the moment. what are my true feelings, and opinions...what do I really believe...when it comes to topics like abortion, euthanasia, physician assisted suicide (don't worry I won't get into all that here..that's a little deep)....and the ever growing elephant in the room in my family as of late...divorce....
It has come up in topics among my closest of friends....and has even been discussed between selective family members...all the while being tip toed around ever so slightly (especially with Thanksgiving just past and Christmas on the way) one wants to say the wrong thing...or hurt any ones feelings (because lets face it when kids are involved too many people have been hurt already) here you go feelings about divorce......and to be quite honest...I don't care who it hurts.......
.....under very select few circumstances is it ever acceptable in my eyes....
I believe...with very strong conviction....that marriage is something that two people should never tread into lightly....the way I see it....until death do us part means one of us has to die....what God man should ever break apart....vows that you good times and bad, sickness and health....that you stand up in front of God and everybody to pronounce....shouldn't be able to be flaked out on so easily.....when you make promises and say "I do" means you keep it...and you do....even when you think you can't....even when you think you don' do.....
.....I think we all lose a little respect for people when they back out of commitments....but I lose alot respect for people when they back out of life marriage...I think divorce is for the weak...marriage is for the bold....I think divorce is for the people who say "I can't" and "I quit"....marriage is for the people who say "no matter what....we will" and love can then prevail....all you need is love....for yourself, for the other person, and for the sanctity of the marriage that you both at one point agreed to....the end....and for the sequel you can think about how it will affect the future of the world....your children... research has shown that children of divorce are less adjusted, have more conduct problems, have higher rates of depression and lower achievement in schools due to a poor self concept...and they themselves will be 50% more likely to get way to go....way to set your own children up to fail in life because you were too incompetent to succeed in your marriage (and probably in most cases in life)....the sliver lining is that positive life events (like positive relationships with other family members) can counteract your poor excuse for decision making.....
I personally don't care about excuses people come up with when it comes to divorce...because I simply don't believe in it....and when you're telling me "your side" make sure you remind yourself that I'm politely tuning you out....because I won't say all these things that I truly in my heart of hearts believe (being the southern woman that I am)...I'll smile and remain neutral....because after thinking it over a little....I know where I stand when it comes to divorce....and so do the people I love.....and if you didn't know do I guess all that remains to be learned out of this little lesson of self how not to judge you for it.........