Monday, August 15, 2011

I feel blessed....

As I sit here and think about what this summer has brought me...I can't help but feel completely, honest to goodness, 100% BLESSED! I've gotten closer to my fellow NA's (even facebook friends...that's a huge step for me as you all well know)....and I've finally started to feel connected it almost could be home for a little while....and that my friends feels good.

Speaking of home....the other reason I feel so family and friends....the loves of my life....I'll be seeing them all to close out my summer with a bang....and I don't think I could BE any more excited. It has been entirely too long! I have THE most amazing family and the most amazing friends anyone could ever ask core group has been apart of my life for as long as I can remember....and I can only hope we continue to remain a constant in each others lives. For the past 20+ years I have been through it all with these girls...they've been with me through the good times and the bad....we've had our fights and disagreements....we've gone days, weeks, months and some cases (sadly) years without talking...and somehow we've all still managed to stay close when it really mattered. But that's the thing about best don't have to talk don't have to be apart of the mundane everyday life to be considered someone special to someone else....when we get together its like we never spent a day apart. I don't think there are many people in this world that can say they have friends like mine....and for that alone I feel the most blessed of all. They really are the loves of my life!

I know this trip is probably going to be bittersweet...and there will be tears of happiness and probably at the end tears of sadness .... there are going to be feelings of not wanting to come back here...and I will probably be homesick for the next few months after this trip....or who knows....I may feel so happy when I leave it will have been exactly what I needed to know that what I'm doing now is the best decision of my life....only time will tell.....and I can't wait....

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