I feel like I've finally recovered from the madness of our marathon 16 hour road trip home and my first week of classes....and now that I feel like I'm back on dry land with two solid feet underneath me....let me catch you up on the past few weeks.....
First the fun stuff---our trip home was FAB! The longer I'm away from the south....the more I realize how much of a part of me being from the south is (if that makes any sense what-so-ever)--- The weirdest part about our first trip home was actually being able to hear a southern accent. I don't even think I have words to explain how I felt at that exact moment when I could actually "hear" what I've sounded like my whole life....but it was a true marvel to say the least. It was GREAT to see everyone (even David's friends---they truly made me appreciate the drama free life we now lead---bliss). I think its safe to say we made every effort to see every person who wanted to hang out....we squeezed every single spare minute out of the time we were home...and for that I'm truly grateful (and sleep deprived--but it was all worth it).
My fav part of the trip---seeing these ladies! And I truly saved the best for last....they were a wonderful close to the perfect trip home....I love ya'll...and your baybays!
There's no rest for the weary!!! Classes started the day after we got back....and to say that I felt like I was being thrown into a cold pool against my will is the understatement of the century! (never again will I plan a trip with no day of rest in between!) My schedule is pretty sweet I'm not going to lie---I only have classes on Tuesday's and Thursday's---Nutrition from 9:30-10:45 and Physiology from 12:30-1:45---and I think I'm going to thoroughly enjoy both. (the only thing that's got me a little worried is my work schedule thrown into the mix of that....but I'm going to try and take it one day at a time)
I'm most excited about Nutrition. Mostly because everyone I've talked to has said that has been their fav class they have to take for nursing....and also because my professor seems to know her stuff. She doesn't read from power points....she actually TEACHES (which that in and of itself is exciting...I hate when professors get lazy and post their slides online and just read off of them during class without actually teaching a thing...uuuuggghh biggest pet peeve!). We have 2 projects where we get to do a Diet Analysis and I'm really hoping the things I learn from this will get me back into eating healthy again. I feel like being knowledgeable when it comes to nutrition will help me feel more in control when it comes to my diet and the things I choose to eat. I feel like ever since nutrition and eating healthy has been on the agenda of most media hype these days you can feel like you already know it all.....but I've already learned so much that I didn't know already...I just know this is going to be an interesting semester!
Physiology on the other hand will probably be the class I struggle with. Not so much because of the material (b/c most of it has already been a review of organic and bio chem)---but because the professor is so freakin flighty!! She was 10 minutes late on the first day of class....and when she presents her material (that she sometimes straight up reads off the PowerPoint slide) she does very distracting things (like clapping and other ADD tendencies that annoy me and make me lose all focus). Hopefully I can keep my motivation to build off the things I learned in Anatomy and continue to build my foundation. Staying organized and on top of things are my two biggest challenges I want to over come this semester....and mentally making myself do things I don't want to do will hopefully push me ahead....
I already feel like I'm back on track from the tragedy that was last semester. Making a B in Anatomy this summer....working and gaining confidence in myself through my job....and finally adjusting to life here in this crazy state will hopefully yield positive results when December and the end of the semester rolls around....but only time will tell.........
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