Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy Endings

I'm exhausted today....I literally can't wake up...two tests yesterday...worked last night....and let me just say...that is enough to wipe out anyone! So glad I have the whole day to myself to recover with some R&R!! Enough with the bitching about my oh so awfully tiresome life .... I wanted to share this story that I saw on the Today Show...that has totally inspired me....

How freakin inspiring...I can't help but see all my patients faces in her story (what she calls her Heart Mate 2 I've mentioned before as our LVAD)....and it got me thinking about the feeling I get when we find out one of our patients gets a heart. It's pretty indescribable...awesome...humbling....and pretty much the best feeling you can get for a person...I mean what a gift right?! I know it must be hard for some realize that someone has to die for you to live....and for some patients who are in and out of hospitals for months and months and maybe even years waiting....for someone to you can get your life back....sounds kind of selfish...and yet these patients are so deserving of life....better than the one they really pulls at your heart strings. But let me just say....even when you think of the awful side of transplants (the other person dying)....its so exhilarating to know that through death comes new life. And in a way...that person who died still gets to live on.
When a patient is notified that they're getting a heart....its kind of like don't really know what to expect going into the operating room (and God only knows what the patients feel....I would love for one of them to share that story with me one day because I know its got to feel pretty crazy)...but there are all kinds of nerves flying around....and theres all kinds of hope for the best....and it's that moment in time where everyone just holds their breath...waits...and hopes ....for an outcome as fabulous and as heart warming as the Bionic Bride's story in the link above....
The gift of life....what a perfect gift....

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