Thursday, October 6, 2011

I've got a feelin....

I just wanted to take a moment to blog about how super excited I am....about life in general! I don't know if its the weather (I freakin love fall time...and the leaves around here are gorge!), or if it's just the fact that I'm finally starting to feel a little more normal these days....but either feels great!

Let me back up .... last weekend I worked (and in case you didn't know from my 57839548932 facebook posts....I hate working weekends!) and as usual my worst fear came true....our census was low and I had to be floated to another floor (#1 reason I hate working weekends---it seems like lately every weekend has been super slow!). Floating to another floor is pretty much the worst for a newbie such as feel like an honest to goodness fish out of don't know where anything is.....the staff doesn't know you and you don't know the staff...and its all around an awkward experience for everyone....but you try and do your best and swim like hell to just keep your head above water. This float experience was a little different...and I feel like I finally got the boost of confidence I needed to finally feel like I'm actually doing a good job. So I was on the cancer floor (which is right down the hall from our unit). The staff was super nice...the patients were super independent (and they didn't have to be hooked up to monitors...this alone was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders....dealing with telemetry can be such a pain in the butt sometimes!) and when I left the staff told me how great it was to have a float who actually knew how to do their job....and let me just tell you...that made my whole month!
I feel like the more I learn "on the job"....the more confident I feel..."on the job" ... and out in the real world. I feel like this job has totally given me the reassurance I've needed to go forward with my career choice. And i KNOW it's going to pay off when it comes time to take my boards and pass my nursing classes with flying colors! I love giving my friends advice from the info I know...and I love helping my family make better choices when it comes to their health...and its an awesome feeling to educate someone you love on how to care for themselves. I hate to say it....but lately I've had alot of these "if I knew then what I know now" moments....and I should have totally made this decision a long time ago.

I can't wait to keep learning....I can't wait to keep evolving...and I can't wait to develop into the rock start nurse that I know I'm meant to be....I'm so thankful I have so many "role models" to look up to at work....and I'm so thankful for all the experiences I've had so far...good and bad :)

Since October is Breast Cancer awareness month ... just thought I'd include this video.... Lexington medical center "pink glove dance"....voted for them and think its an awesome video...hope they win and get loads of money for cancer research!!!

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