Wednesday, October 26, 2011

So much to do....So little time....

....Story of my life....again it's my "day off" and I have about a million things on my to do list (granted a few of those million things are things that I just want to do for "me time"...but that's important too!!). I have another round of tests coming up next week...and while I'm doing ok in my classes this semester...just "ok" isn't good enough....I want to rock these classes!!! So if I can ace both of these tests (which won't be too hard if I can just get motivated to start studying now) I will have set myself up for success for the finals and all will be well! :)
I also have to go into work (I know ... on my day off...what tha what?!) for a 2 hour competency training session. Totally puts a cramp in my day off....but "reviewing" things we all need to know is definitely a good thing!

I also wanted to give you all some blog that we've been here almost a whole year (and have gotten all of our awkward "firsts" out of the way) David and I decided we want to do a blog together about our adventures here!!!!   I'm so excited that he wants to do this and I'm so excited that after we're done will have all of our memories to read one day! I'm still going to be doing this blog for school/work purposes so keep following.....but add to your list our blog here .... it will be all things adventure/Iowa/Midwest living!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I <3 David for being into blogging with you! Super cute!!!!