Friday, January 13, 2012

Spring 2012--- Microbio here I come!

Classes start back on Tuesday...and big news....I'm finishing my last science class!!! I'm so ready to put these prereqs to bed and get on with the exciting nursing classes again....I know once I get back into those classes my passion for the profession will be say I'm getting a little burnt out with all these science classes is an understatement!!! (But I'm glad to be getting a good solid foundation on which all of nursing and health care jobs are built)

I have lecture Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (2:30-3:20) and Lab on Thursdays (9:30-10:20)  --- Working on Tuesdays and Thursday afternoon (and every other weekend) will definately keep me busy!!! I'm super stoked to only be taking one class (and working) this semester...especially with Microbio being a pretty tough class (the syllabus says that a 60% is a passing C--- umm hello the real world 60% should be an F...but who am I). My goal this semester is to stay on top of things and not get behind...and since it's my only class...I'm hoping that will be super easy!!! Stay tuned on updates through out the semester!!!!!!!!!!!

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