....except for on my cell phone.....
With a few weeks of lab already under my belt....I have alot to share!!!! The biggest news being...that my cell phone is "germ" (read microbe) free! And of course I have proof! But I'm getting ahead of myself... let me catch you up....our first lab activity was to swab any surface we wanted....spread it on an agar plate...and let it incubate for a week....I swabbed my cell phone (my lab partners swabbed the trash can lid, the bottom of a shoe, and a house key)....this is what we grew.....

...not much can be said for the good ole germy garbage can lid.....
See those circles...yea that's a fungus....there are smaller circles too...probably some sort of bacteria.... trash = gross

Some people swabbed the toilet handle from the bathroom...you don't even want to see that one....WASH YOUR HANDS PEOPLE!!!!
I'm already in love with this lab....it's more of an observation lab with some hands on activities....which is AWESOME! Especially after chemistry where you spent the whole entire lab mixing crap and doing a whole bunch of stuff that you didn't even know what the heck you were doing...only to end up at the end of the day learning absolutely nothing! This lab is completely different.... not only are most of the slides and agar plates already prepared...but all you have to do is your "pre lab" work and get your learn on! So refreshing! Not to mention all of the labs really bring home the important points of the lecture....and all of which are relative to nursing (and pharmacology). I think it's safe to say...this will be the first science class where I had a lab and I actually learned something!
We have our first test coming up next week...so it's time to hit the books....this being my only class....I really have no excuse to make anything but an A!
Some people swabbed the toilet handle from the bathroom...you don't even want to see that one....WASH YOUR HANDS PEOPLE!!!!
I'm already in love with this lab....it's more of an observation lab with some hands on activities....which is AWESOME! Especially after chemistry where you spent the whole entire lab mixing crap and doing a whole bunch of stuff that you didn't even know what the heck you were doing...only to end up at the end of the day learning absolutely nothing! This lab is completely different.... not only are most of the slides and agar plates already prepared...but all you have to do is your "pre lab" work and get your learn on! So refreshing! Not to mention all of the labs really bring home the important points of the lecture....and all of which are relative to nursing (and pharmacology). I think it's safe to say...this will be the first science class where I had a lab and I actually learned something!
We have our first test coming up next week...so it's time to hit the books....this being my only class....I really have no excuse to make anything but an A!
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