Monday, April 25, 2011

Discouraging news

I'm starting to get uber uber discouraged....inspite of my BEST efforts to stay positive....

I just got an email from financial aid telling me that I will be getting ZERO financial aid this summer....and after I had to borrow $2000 dollars from my parents to cover this semester....I'm beginning to ask WTF Iowa?! WTF?!
I moved here for the opportunity to work, go to school, experience something new...etc. etc.....and so far I've done all of those things...but at the same time its felt like ever since I've gotten here theres one hurtle after another to jump through. How is it that I got everything covered in SC (tuition, books and parking) going full time with extra left over and after coming here (not even paying out of state tuition or anything...just PURELY for credit hours) I have to pay significant amounts of money out of pocket?! Like what the hell do you have to do to get financial aid that covers your entire tuition around here??? donate your left fucking kidney and your first born child?! Get fucking real!

The financial aid office is about to get an EAR FULL from yours truly....thanks again for ruining ANOTHER day of mine....I would send a fucking bill but your sorry ass excuse for an office probably wouldn't even cover it!


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