Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dissection Day!

Peter--he was such a good lab rat....sure he got a little crazy in that super small cage every now and then...but what can ya say...a lab rats gotta live to right?! WRONG!!!!
Today was dissection day in bio lab....and let me just say....even a super nerd like me who loves to learn new things....has a soft spot in their heart for those cute little rats!!!!!  RIP Peter!!! Hope you're tearin it up in lab rat heaven!!!

So first we had to put poor Peter in this jar...with KOH (potassium hydroxide) tablets (seen in the little test tube...b/c its an acid and would probably kill poor Peter--heaven forbid)....put a big huge stopper on the top (to seal off all the oxygen)---on this stopper was a pipette with its bottom end stuck in a jar of green ink. So after about 10 minutes the ink started going up the pipette...signifying the respiration of poor little Peter (who was suffocating inside) Once we measured the ink traveling up the pipette for 10 min..we then had to shock Peter in this jar by putting it in ice/cold water and measuring his rate of respiration through the traveling ink once again for about 10 minutes. At the risk of poor Peters life I learned that in colder temperatures "warm blooded" animals (i.e. we produce our own heat thru metabolism of energy) have higher metabolism rates due to the high energy it takes for us to keep ourselves warm---this is good news folks...not only does shivering burn also takes more energy to keep yourself warm and thus burning more calories equaling a significantly skinnier booty for yours truly!
So after poor Peter has been suffocated and shocked from drastic temperature changes...a "trained professional" had to take him into the other room to inject him with CO2 and that's right---euthanize him!!!! So sad!!! We then had to cut him open and identify his cute little insides....(as seen below--not in the real version of course b/c I couldn't bring myself to take pictures of the deceased)

So I'm sure I'll be having nightmares of poor Peter for the next week....which will be replaced next week by poor baby Wilber... not looking forward to the poor pig fetus we'll be picking apart next week....say your prayers folks...for lab animal those gates Peter...your friends are comin home!!!!


the weavers said...

NOOOOOO!!! this hurts my little heart!

-jameson- said...

oh my gosh. this hurts my heart too! i can't stand it!!!! so sad. i wouldn't have been able to do that :( lets have an upbeat post next time please! haha i guess its for a good cause tho....lets have a moment of silence for poor poor Peter :)

Stacy said...

I can't even handle this!!!!