Saturday, February 12, 2011

Slacker McSlackster

I'm officially a blogging slacker!!! But to my defense...the past week has been one of those weeks where you go nonstop and you feel like you can never get let me catch you up....

David gets here in T-minus 48hours and counting...and I can't WAIT for the moment where he's officially HERE! And I get him alll to my self for the next 3ish years!!!!! This whole being apart thing...has really started wearing on our nerves...and having to "live" in two places at once has been tough (esp. when those two places are in separate time zones!) So we've both been busy tying up loose ends in SC and trying to keep the ball rolling here. Trying to find an apartment (so we can finally get on our own and feel normal again) has proved to be VERY has finding a job (for me)....between all of that... lots has been done and at the same time nothing has been done...meaning I still have no job and we're still searching for a place of our own. Keep your prayers coming this way...we all need them for our sanity!

As far as school goes...I've gotten very depressed and very motivated in the matter of a week. Crazy much?!This semester has started out uber uber slow....and taking very beginner chemistry and bio classes has been VERY insulting to my intelligence to say the least. After taking organic and bio chem last semester and having to overcome such a challenge was really my cup of tea...I love a good challenge and coming out on top! Not to mention I was actually learning stuff that was relevant to nursing and health care etc. But having to go in reverse and take a general chemistry class has definitely felt like I'm going backwards instead of forwards....and after all is said and done...that's exactly the opposite of what I want to be doing! (I mean if I can make an A in a class that's harder than the one before it...shouldn't I be exempt from taking the easier class...apparently not...and that's super frustrating.) So I decided to take the lemons ... find some vodka...and make a drink....I can't look on the negative side...or I'll just get frustrated...and that's the LAST thing I need!

So while I'm trying to change my mind frame and keep things on the up and up I had a realization. All this "stuff" I'm "learning" that is uber easy (we're talking elementary style here people...for real)... is only helping me really learn all the hard stuff I learned last semester. I now know WHY Carbon is such a special atom  and HOW it is that it can bond to itself and all these other elements to make these crazy huge macromolecules that make up the human anatomy and the things we eat and process. I now know MORE about DNA replication and WHAT happens in the process of cell division that causes viruses, mutations, and genetic disorders. All this super easy stuff is really only deepening my understanding and knowledge about all the things that I'm really going to need to know later. Like what makes up the enzymes and proteins that exist in our gall bladder, small intestine, stomach, and liver ... and the processes that occur to break down the chemical components that our body needs to function on a daily basis...and even further the awful things we put in it that it has to breakdown and get out of our bodys before we kill ourselves.
So in the end...all this simple stuff is probably only simple because of the really hard stuff I have already learned...and sometimes going back and learning the simple, what, why, and how components, can be more beneficial than just taking a piece of information and knowing it inside and out just as knowledge for knowledge sake.  Now, next time I have a virus, cold, or infection....I'll know how it actually survived my immune system, divided and over took my body and caused me to be laid up and miserable...and because I'm an uber nerd...I find that slightly satisfying.

At the end of the day...I'm trying to keep my eye on the prize, remember why I'm here and forget the negative things that people have to say about it...staying focused, and positive....and knowing that when this whole thing is behind me...I'll be better than when I started....

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