Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Break throughs on my day off.....

I don't know why, but today feels like my first real "day off." I guess I would normally have had to wake up, do school stuff, go to class, maybe even work....and I haven't had to do any of that....and it feels fabulous!
So what have I been doing???? Well I started really reading and diving into Kelly Cutrone's book...If You Have To Cry Go Outside....and a few things really hit home with me....and I've made a few much needed revelations. 
(So I'm of course going to share them with you....feel free to skim...it will probably get a little deep...and I mean lets face it....its my personal revelations...and they may not mean that much to you as a reader as they do to me as the writer)

As she starts out telling her story of finding success...she talks about faking it to make it (this was the first chapter that really got me thinking)....she talks about how we try on all these "outfits" and pretend to be all these things as we set out on new adventures in life.....and she basically ends up at the point of "you can fake your way to the table, but ultimately you have to learn how to eat.....clothes don't make the woman (even if they do make her look good)."----the more I thought about it...the more it really made sense to me in the aspect of my life. I feel as though I've done a real good job so far faking it.....finishing college (as my parents had mapped out for me)....getting the "real world job" (that was so not even me it wasn't even funny....which is obviously why it didn't pan out) ....I've faked it....I've sat at the table....but I haven't learned how to eat. Finding the love of my life feels like the only thing I've been able to actually do right. And as we've started on this whole new adventure/path in life...in this whole new land of new people and new cultures that is so far from everything we know....even this has felt like a mistake at times....but after realizing a few things, I realized that I can't get a grip because I don't know how to not fake things. My whole life I've been "trained" to put on a happy face....and to fake it....but I haven't been taught to face reality....I don't know how to face my fears when they slap me in the face, I just know how to smile politely at them and ask them how they're doing.....and that is what has been holding me back since I dived head first into a pit full of my biggest fears.
"If you don't let what you don't know stop you from doing your best in every situation, you will surprise yourself over and over in life."---I'm hoping that realizing my fears....and facing them instead of faking that I'm facing them....will help me dig myself out of my pit full of fears that are essentially holding me back from true happiness. I think in learning how to face our fears....we really develop a true sense of self....its kind of like learning the things you want to accomplish in life by doing things you know you DON'T want to do in life....and apparently that's just how I do things....backwards.

"When you're having a bad month, or a shitty year. An important lesson to remember is that things will change: you won't feel this way forever. Sometimes the hardest lessons to learn are the ones your soul needs the most.You can't feel real joy unless you've felt heartache. You can't have a sense of victory unless you know what it means to fail."

The biggest point that she writes about that REALLY spoke to my heart was transitioning from a worrier to a warrior....yea it sounds kinda corny....but when you're a worrier like myself....it tends to consume you....and if you think about it...can really destroy you if you let it. The biggest attribute that I envy in others is strength. I tend to view myself as pretty weak (on the inside at least). I take things personally....I internalize so much that goes on around me...and that fact alone, I realized, really alters my reality. I hate that my only reaction in intense situations is to cry....I want to "man up" to situations that challenge me...not run away in fear with my tail between my legs....I hate that I crumble in the face of confrontation. ---"act confidently and decisively, without regret or self-doubt...with detachment from the outcome"---detachment...not allowing the fears and emotions that torment and paralyze me to have power over me....this I believe is my biggest stepping stone in finding the strength and confidence I need to ultimately be successful in the career path I've chosen. Nursing can be ruthless at times....and I know that if I don't find this within myself....there's no way I can be the nurse I want to be. I must learn that I am not what I do....I know that until I learn this...my fears and emotions will continue to keep me up at night.....
My "internal talk" is what traps me and paralyzes me into "inaction."And this is another big "set back" that keeps me from the strength, confidence, and success that I strive so hard for...I find that I do the best when I don't think...and I just feel.
"The mind uses fear throughout our lives as one of many blunt objects with which to clock our souls over the head before gagging it, binding it with black electrical tape, and throwing it out of the drivers seat and into the trunk. This is what sends us off the path of our destiny and into the packed freeway of fear...or worse, into a traffic circle (and we all know how dangerous those are)."---
Its so important for me to remember...that whatever crazy curve ball I throw at myself  via my fears and internal talk...that I realize.... no matter what happens...I'm going to be fine. And I know I'm going to be fine because of the WONDERFUL support system I have behind me. And whether or not I think I've failed...they always can find the ways in which I have succeeded. (and  it is for that fact alone that I love them the most)

"Thoughts have power. Fear of being left was so much a part of her world that she manifested it into her reality. The universe constantly rearranges itself to support your idea of reality. If you're always thinking life sucks and I suck...you're definitely going to see a lot of dismal shit out there. On the other hand, if your reality is that you're a privileged, elegant human and everyday you think, I'm a privileged, elegant human being...then eventually you will become a privileged and elegant human being....you will eventually become your experience of yourself."---- my goal is to get up and keep doing what I do...even when I don't want to....giving my best self each time....in hopes of not only achieving success...but also detachment from everything that holds me back....and in doing this I will achieve a wonderful self experience.

A GREAT lesson that I've read so far.....and that I want so desperately to remember....is that "other people don't define you...and ultimately their behavior is just helping you work out your own shit." ---- people will always try to push you down....that favorite saying of mine "shit rolls down hill"....only helps you become a better person in the end....and it is realizing this that is truly "winning." We all project our feelings and the things we're going through onto others....by detaching myself from the situation...and not taking things so personally....I really feel will help me over come half of my battles....it will help me not tumble in the face of confrontation....it will help me stand strong and face adversity with confidence.

So here's to positive thinking and setting myself free of all the negative "internal talk" that has been holding me back in hopes of finding so much more here...including happiness.....thanks Kelly Cutrone...for a wonderful day off/self therapy session!

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