Monday, June 27, 2011


I ended out my anatomy class with a B!!! I'm soo excited!!! I feel like I'm finally back on track! And it feels so good!!!! Now I have time for ME...and that feels even better! Craft time and books are in my future and that makes me a VERY happy little girl!!

I've already made a "recycled grocery bag"....have a super cute pattern for a super cute scarf to knit...and am in the process of convincing my mom to teach me how to quilt (I know sounds super weird and old lady-ish....and not that exciting....but she made this quilt for the children's hospital cancer ward that was SUPER cute....and when I get to be an old lady then I'll know how its done) We'll see how far I get in my crafting ventures....until then its time for some good old fashion R&R

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