Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Brand

I'm still fully involved in Kelly Cutrone's book...If You Have To Cry Go Outside....and I'm almost done...but I had to dive a little deeper into one of her chapters...."You Are the Brand: Normal Gets You Nowhere"---she talks about "selling yourself" as "your brand"....and it got me thinking a lot about how I sell myself....and what is "my brand."
The chapter goes in full details and stories about how she explored all these different passions in her life to find her path....and one story that struck at my heart strings was when she talked about going in all these directions and never fully focused on being exceptional on one particular "career" path. And most importantly how her experiences didn't always take her on an express train to her true purpose and calling...but taught her alot along the way.
This is how I feel about 75% of the time.....and was one of the reasons I chose nursing. I feel like I'm the kind of person that could, on a whim, decide to do 100 different things all at one time....never being really "exceptional" at one particular thing....I need a career that can offer anything from working in a fast paced hosptial critical care a more calm clinic even making house calls in home health care.----These thoughts then got me thinking about how I feel inwardly.....and how I project my feelings of myself to the outside world....thus presenting "my brand."

She described her brand as "renegade, strategically kooky, ballsy, bohemian, intuitive, ruthless, and loving"-- And I feel like my experiences here so far in Iowa have allowed me to fully understand how I feel on the inside...about I'm percieved by others.....and the things I honest to goodness believe in deep down in my heart.---Thus..."my brand."--I would describe it as dainty, classy, sweet southern charming, creative, pink girlie girl.

"I Believe that the people we perceive as having great individual style have found things that represent their unique inner world outwardly."

"When a company hires you, remember what you sold them to get the job and be consistent in providing it....and I'm not talking about your wardrobe"

"..experiences will broaden your empathy, test your courage, and teach you essential lessons about your job and yourself..."

"...the good news is that my brand is much more powerful than it was when I started..." 
 "There are many temptations along the way--but even when your wallet or your need to be on a VIP list is calling you, stand strong and remember what your brand is all about."

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