Friday, June 3, 2011

Working my bootay off

So I've been so incredibly busy lately its not even funny....but hopefully will be on a downhill run for a bit (or well a few weeks anyway)--- While I have a hot's a quick update....

My second anatomy test went a little sub par.... but better than expected considering I realized the day before the test that I had completely neglected 3 whole entire was on bones, joints AND muscles

As a second update I got a call from my advisor yesterday (and just ps. its never a good thing when your advisor personally contacts you) and she wanted to talk about yet another plan since I did a little subpar in my stupid lame inorganic chem she talked with me a little about my options---either taking the class over which will prolong my applying to the nursing program a whole entire year...or looking into the RN program at Kirkwood---after talking to a few nurses and getting a few opinions I started seriously thinking about the RN Program....its only 2 years....theres no stupid bs waste of my time classes (like chemistry and spanish) and there is more actual nursing classes. I would technically only have my associates degree (instead of a bachelors) but when I really start thinking about it....I don't think I really care either way...I mean lets face it....RN's do the SAME exact jobs that BSN RN's  do and the only area that you will get a job hands down on the spot for having a BSN is in a hospital....and after working these past few months I have DEFINATELY decided I DON'T want to work in a hospital .... with my head in the future and the hopes of a prospective family life I would like to have I don't want crazy hours and I DEFINATELY DON'T want to work holiday's....and the biggest obstacle I've had to get over lately is the insanely crazy schedule I have working nights, weekends and holidays...and its totally made me realize a lot of things about myself ---- one major thing is that I miss my set routine of a schedule....working with the same people every day (which doesn't happen in the hospital) and getting off at a normal hour with the rest of the world....and most of all (I never thought I would say this) but I miss stability and predictability....I have so much anxiety going into work not knowing what kind of day/night I'm going to while I never thought I'd want to work in a clinic or school or anything like that....I'm starting to think twice about that option now. And with those thoughts it got me wondering alot if getting a BSN would really be worth the time, and money I would be putting into it.  (like how much would I really use "BSN" skills vs just normal everyday "RN" skills)

As much as I know shooting for the stars is important....and as much as I know sometimes maybe I would be selling myself short....I can't help but think just getting in and getting out and getting on with my life would make me just as happy. So yet again I have lots to think about...and luckily I have time to think about it and time to talk to people about it......the saga continues....but this link (Please watch its soo awesomely inspirational!!!) from Bethenny on KLG and Hoda definitely has helped inspire me to stay positive....

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