Sunday, January 9, 2011

Photo Fun Game!

So before I left I tought it would be fun to play this super cool game I came up with in my head....its sort of my spin on those "games" that used to be on the back of cereal boxes when you were a kid...or on kids menus in resturants....where they would zoom in on a photo like super hard core and you had to guess what the picture was???? Well its kinda like that....except for these pictures are completely random things I saw along my superhero long car a way to entertain myself (believe me...when you're in a car for 16 hours....anything other than sitting and listening to books on tape sounds like fun)
So here we go....take a wild guess....anything goes!
Disclaimer: Winner must correctly guess 3 out of monetary prizes will be given but you could "win" something fun...that must be claimed only by your superhero fun see...the fabulous...awesome...really fun....IOWA CITY...and meeeee :)

Photo #1: This one is an easy one to get you started...don't over think it! Hint:We kicked off our drive here

Photo #2: Another pitstop along the way....bonus goes to the person who guesses the correct state this was taken in too!

Photo #3: Ok so this is an easy one...but to make it not so have to name the state too!!! :)

Photo #4: Good luck!

Photo #5:

Photo #6: Last but not least.....

Lets get our brain juices flowin people!!!!! Guess your little hearts out!!!!


-jameson- said...

ok...#1...I'm going to say McDonalds just b/c of the colors... #2 I have no clue...something at a gas station in NC??? haha #3 A MAP!!!....KY? #4 looks like windshield wiper fluid or something #5 snow on the ground?? #6 at the knitting shop?? or were you making a mexican dishrag? something to do with knitting tho! miss you!!!

Jess said...

Yay!!! I'm very impressed! #1 is right!!! (there was this super cool mcdonalds mosaic type thing)...#2 is wrong....sadness...close but no was a rest area...tile on the bathroom floor...I took it while I was peeing! :-P #3 is halfway right...Indiana...not Kentucky. #4 is right...windshield wiper a gas station..while my dad pumped gas... #5 is snow..but on a brick wall...not the ground...#6 is right on the money! mexican dishrags!!!!!! :) You win!!3 out of 6!!! ding ding ding ding ding!!!! Come see me and claim your prize!!!! AMERS!!!!!