Saturday, January 15, 2011

Today's adventures....

The greatest thing about that when you move somewhere you've never lived learn something new everyday! And while sometimes this can be stressful....its also very exciting! I can only imagine all that David and I will learn about this super cool state once he actually gets here...but I can't wait to share it all with you guys through this blog... and when we start to get visitors!!! :)

Today I learned something super cool in Iowa's own back yard....apparently Bald Eagles nest along the river here in the winters! So as my dad and I ventured out...we checked out two spots that they can sometimes be spotted flying around their nests.....unfortunately the first place was closed....and the second place we saw a few flying around...but none were close enough to actually take pictures instead I snapped a few shots of the scenery! :)

Also check out this link, IowaDNR, or google bald eagles in Iowa to see pictures too!!! :) I know I'm a super nerd and am probably the only person who finds this cool...but to see such a symbol of our country...that was once our own back kind of a big deal....

Until the next adventure.....

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