Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Top 10 cRaZy things I've learned about Iowa so far....

#10: Target isn't as exciting as it should be .... forcing me to shop at Wal-Mart...which I HATE! Grrrrr

#9: Everyone (so far) has been uber nice and welcoming (I think they can tell I'm not from around here) --- Southern Hospitality may have worked its way to the mid-west!

#8: I thought Columbia loved their Gamecocks....but Iowa City LOVES their Hawkeyes!

#7: People sacrifice style for warmth...I haven't quite been able to let myself go there....and its probably why I'm still cold....but after all pain is beauty!

#6: The whole state (in terms of roads) is square! can turn down any road to the left or right and find a main new motto if I get lost....turn right.....

#5: It. is. cold. --- while I know all 48 states (except for Florida) have had their share of winter weather these past few weeks...the feeling of below zero temps are ridiculously insane...and you just have no idea...until you feel it...

#4: You can't build snowmen .... the snow here is like blows everywhere...and it blows.....literally

#3: There are all kinds of crazy gadgets and gizmo's to get you through the snow and I invested in a mat you lay over your windshield at night so you don't have to scrape it/brush snow off of it in the jsut lift the mat and go! Can't wait to use it bright at early at 7am tomorrow!

 #2: Parking SUCKS! And I'm not talking about the availability of parking...I'm talking about how it is so incredibly hard to do something so simple like parking in a parking space....they scrape the parking lots...but not the parking! Everything about parking....SUCKS! (as well as driving in general...I swear I feel like I'm in Drivers Ed again in high school...State Farm should probably not lower my insurance just because I turned 25)

 #1: People talk funny....and while I'm sure they think the same about me....there's no getting around it...everyone...talks...funny.


Jess said...

Oh yea....and a side note....people on the news have stripper names...sunny lane...really?!?! that's not your real name honey!

-jameson- said...

remember drivers ed?? and i could NOT back up in a straight line to save me life!

Jess said...

I sooo remember!!!! hahaha oh the good ole days!